
Language, Literacy, Learning, and Equity Research Group
at Vanderbilt
May, 2020
NIH Grant Awarded to Study Role of Reading Experiences
Duane Watson, Emily Phillips Galloway, and Tessa Warren (Penn State) have been awarded a 2.5 million dollar grant to explore the role of reading experiences in syntax processing as a core component of skilled reading.
April, 2019
Phillips Galloway Awarded AERA-SRCD Fellowship in Middle Childhood Education and Development
This two-year fellowship will support Phillips Galloway's exploration of connections between Academic Languages instruction and anti-racist teaching.
April, 2020
Article Selected as Article of the Year
The journal, Language Learning, has selected an article written by Chris Barr, Paola Uccelli, and Emily Phillips Galloway as the 2020 article of the year.
September, 2018
Lyle Spencer Grant Awarded to Vanderbilt Team
Robert Jiménez, Emily Phillips Galloway, and Amanda Goodwin have been awarded a 1 million dollar Spencer grant to explore translanguaging pedagogy via a reading instructional model known as TRANSLATE.
July, 2019
IES Grant Awarded to Phillips Galloway and Colleagues at Harvard, Rice, and TIMES
Paola Uccelli (Harvard Graduate School of Education), Chris Barr (Rice University), Jeremy Miciak (TIMES, University of Houston, have been awarded $1.39 million dollar grant to refine their Core Academic Language Skills Instrument for use with English Learners.
We are educational researchers and practitioners who investigate links between language, reading, writing, and learning in learners traditionally underserved in schools. We work to connect our practice-informed research to classrooms in order to support youth to achieve their socio-emotional, academic and political aspirations.